Tailor Fishing Fraser Island: 4×4 Car Hire
We had quite a good tailor fishing trip to Fraser in September. We left Brisbane at 16:00 after making sure that we will make the barge crossing at tewantin. Unfortunately the barge website displayed incorrect info and we had to sleep on the beach at Tewantin.
We made the best of the night and made a nice fire and had a bear or two. Before we know it it was morning and we were first to board the barge to Fraser. We arrived at about Dundabarra camp site at about 11:00 in the morning. Luckily we travelled light and it only took us about 30 minutes to set up camp.
We hit the beach found a nice gully and were on the fish immediately. For the next three days in con cession we caught Tailor at random. We used salted pilchards and also had really good results with silver spoons. Tailor were sometimes a bit too deep to reach with normal gang hooks, this is where the spoons worked really good.
We ate fish every evening and I must say smoked tailor tastes really nice. We also cough a lot of darts and whiting.
We will be back next year more or less same time. You can not go wrong exploring the beaches of Fraser for a good fishing run.